872.22.BLISS dalila@adornmeants.com

Celebrate Thyself

Create a Life That Aligns With Your Soul.

AdornMEANTs is a soul-affirming lifestyle advocate centered in knowledge and love of self. 

We empower you to affirm, honor and celebrate yourself by way of conscious, creative and purpose-filled spiritual practices and mental programming.

Our paraphernalia is designed to support a healthy, balanced self esteem.  This platform’s purpose is to serve as a resource and promote self discovery, self reflection, personal growth and development.


I am Dalila, AdornMEANTs Cheerleader. Having always been a passionate holistic wellness enthusiast, I’m fascinated by the connection between the mind, body and spirit. I’ve explored a variety of different healing practices, but despite my love for them, I’ve struggled with self-doubt and confidence issues that have held me back from reaching my full potential.

It was only when I realized that I was struggling with imposter syndrome that I understood what was happening. I constantly felt like a fraud, as though I was unworthy of my accomplishments, and it was negatively affecting my life in countless ways.

Determined to overcome my self-doubt, I began to dive deeper into the world of subconscious programming. I learned that the subconscious mind controls 95% of our behavior and that we can reprogram it with positive affirmations and visualizations to help us overcome limiting beliefs.

I started using these practices daily, repeating positive affirmations to myself and visualizing my success. I also started creating my own line of life-affirming paraphernalia, including affirmation cards, journals, and other wellness items designed to help others overcome their own self-doubt and imposter syndrome.

As I continued to reprogram my subconscious mind and incorporate these practices into my daily routine, I began to see a transformation in my confidence and self-worth. I feel empowered to take on new challenges and pursue my dreams, knowing that I am worthy of success and capable of achieving anything I set my mind to.

Through my line of life-affirming paraphernalia, I’ve been able to share my journey with others and inspire them to overcome their own self-doubt and limiting beliefs. I feel grateful every day to be able to help others on their own path to holistic wellness and self-discovery, and I continue to create new products that empower and uplift those around me.

We Believe

  • when you truly know who you are your life reflects your knowing
  • one should be comfortable being who they are and living their life truly by their own way
  • building mental/emotional fortitude equips one with what is needed to be influenced in life by their own soul
  • living in, on and of purpose
  • confidence opens channels for the most ideal situations and happenings when it comes to one’s day to day interactions and livelihood, ultimately making way for internal happiness to be experienced and constantly realized

Our Vision:

to enhance quality of life.  A world of individuals who each live their own life, for themselves.  Individuals who are each their own best influencer (cheerleader).

Why? Because the world interjects its beliefs of who you are and/or who you should be.  The time is now for the conscious choice to live for ourselves. 

Living your own life is the best life.

Dalila, AdornMEANTs.com

Self validation begets self actualization.

Dalila, AdornMEANTs.com


Prefer a Custom Design on T-Shirts, Bags & More?

At AdornMEANTs, we understand the importance of personalized soul-affirming products to support your unique journey. That’s why we offer custom design services, allowing you to create products tailored to your specific needs and preferences. Whether you want to add your favorite quote or affirmation to a t-shirt or journal, create a personalized keychain with your name, or design a set of stickers with your own unique message, our team is here to help bring your vision to life. We hand craft your ‘para’ to ensure your custom products are as beautiful as they are meaningful. Order your custom designs today and take another step towards utilizing soul-affirming products to support your unique journey.


MEANT For You, Made By Me.

About Us

We believe that loving yourself mentally, emotionally and spiritually is just as important as loving yourself physically. Our mission is to empower individuals to honor and nurture themselves through spiritual practices and mental training.

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